I seem to have an extension to my domain. At last they've realised that a dumb old fence isn't going to keep me out of the neighbours garden and have got rid of it. There's a fishpond (which used to contain two fish hee hee hee!); another shed (so I suspect more meeces) and some nice trees with the obligatory birdies. The only things spoiling it are those nasty squirrels who seem to be under the mistaken impression that they own the trees. We'll see who's boss around here you nut eating surrender monkeys!!!
Thursday, 11 August 2005
Monday, 2 May 2005
Missing in Action
Where's it gone? I get locked in for the night and the next morning the pesky thing has flown the coop. Yeah, right!!! I'm pointing the paw at that black and white monster from down the street.
Sunday, 1 May 2005
Foiled Again!
The last chick fell out of its nest and those nasty people have constructed a fence around it. Ever wondered why the caged bird sings? Well, it's because there is a cat staring at it!
Sunday, 24 April 2005
Building a Little Nest Egg
Typical. They find one blackbird chick dead on the lawn and who do they blame? Muggins, that's who. No one saw me do it, you can't prove anything.
Friday, 22 April 2005
A Bird in the Bush
Apologies to fans of my wildlife page, but pickings have been slim. However, things are looking up - there's a blackbird's nest in the back garden. It's only a matter of time!
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