Monday, 28 January 2002

A Bird in the Bush...

They've worked out how I always manage to be by the front door when they get back. The fools hadn't twigged that I sit on top of the gatepost keeping an eye out for their cars, then quick as a flash it's back through the cat flap and to the front door before they've spotted me. Only this time I was day dreaming of a Safeway tuna at 19p a tin and they caught me. Curses!

Friday, 25 January 2002

Have a Mice Day

Apologies to all my fans out there, I've been very busy recently... sleeping. Being a cat is really really tiring. It's been tipping down outside, so I've been annoying my owners by meowing by the front door, waiting for them to open it, then when they do, look disinterested and go back to my scratching post for a kip